Hi! My name is José Ruy Sá Ribeiro and I am a Jack-of-all-trades
Being a Jack-of-all-trades doesn't just mean not being the best at anything in particular. It also means being great at a bunch of things. I have graduated Cinema school from ESAP, in Porto, Hotel Management from EHTP, also in Porto. I have written a novel, currently on sale at Amazon. I learned html, css, javascript, nodeJs and mongoDb in an online course which I used to develop video sharing platforms for small businesses, right when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, keeping them in business by maintaining their clients remotely present.
I designed and lead multiple ideation workshops in several areas of business such as IT, pharmaceutical and construction, amongst others. I graduated Mindera's Mindswap Bootcamp where I learned software development in whatever coding languages I managed to get my hands on. I developed an AI-powered tool to remove bias from search engine queries. I am developing a non-profit organization to help people defend themselves against scams and frauds. I am quick on my feet and an avid learner.
Hover over the brain to see what I'm all about
Unfortunately, I am unable to share most of my work online. But I can talk about it, so why not get in touch?